
1、相守而不相爱,这是错误;相爱而不相守,那是痛苦 。
It is a mistake to be together but not to love; to love without to be together is pain.
2、我一直在关注你,用一切你知道或不知道的方式 。
I've been watching you, in all the ways you know or don't know.
3、你这么完美,就是有一个缺点 。什么缺点?缺点我 。
You are so perfect, but you have one shortcoming. What are the disadvantages? Disadvantage me.
4、我的感情潇洒地奔泻,是因为你有大山般坦荡的情怀 。
I feel natural and unrestrained, because you have a mountain like magnanimous feelings.
5、我发誓,我会永远爱你,会一直陪在你的身边的 。
I swear, I will always love you, will always be with you.
6、我也许不在你的青春 , 但我希望你不会缺席我的未来 。
I may not be in your youth, but I hope you will not be absent from my future.
7、一直对沵有种期待,却看不到我们的未来 。
Have been looking forward to you, but can not see our future.
Do you know what to drill wood for? Fire, no, marry you.
9、时间为媒,青春为聘,你若为良辰,我愿当美景 。
Time as the medium, youth for hire, if you are a good time, I would like to be a beautiful scenery.
Who will snatch you from me unless you step on my body!
11、世人都想做人上人,而我,只想做你的心上人 。
The world wants to be a man, but I just want to be your sweetheart.
12、以前我打喷嚏都觉得是感冒了 , 现在我都觉得是你在想我 。
I used to think it was a cold when I sneezed. Now I think it's you who miss me.
13、月缺时是你,月圆时也是你,阴晴盈亏都是你 。
When the moon is short, it is you when the moon is full. You are the one who makes profits and losses.
14、喜欢你是件很麻烦的事 。但我偏偏喜欢找麻烦 。
It's very troublesome to like you. But I like to make trouble.
15、你若厌,我便倾倒苍生,展你欢乐笑颜 。
If you are tired of it, I will pour out all life and show your happy smile.
16、比起隔着屏幕互道晚安,我更想为你盖好被子 。
I'd rather cover your quilt than say good night across the screen.
17、你笑的时候真好看,我想把全世界都给你 。
You look good when you laugh. I want to give you the whole world.
18、如果有一天,我明白了什么是爱情 , 那一定是因为你 。
If one day, I understand what love is, it must be because of you.
19、你若愿,我便十里桃花,迎你风光归家 。
If you wish, I will be ten miles peach blossom, welcome your scenery home.
20、我多希望,我想念你的时候,你也正在想念我 。
I wish you were missing me when I miss you.
21、我还是很喜欢你,像影子离不开自己 , 一辈子如此 。
I still like you very much, like the shadow can't do without myself, all my life.
22、我不要天上的星星,我只要尘世的幸福 。
I don't want the stars in the sky, I just want the happiness of the world.
23、你嫁给我就好了,找你拿钱就不用说借了 。
If you marry me, I don't need to borrow money from you.
24、在你最冷的时候,有人不顾自己寒冷抱着你 , 这就是幸福 。
In your coldest time, someone holds you regardless of your cold, which is happiness.
25、脱了你的防弹衣 , 让我的丘比特箭射中你吧 。
Take off your bulletproof vest and let my Cupid arrow hit you.
26、和你在一起,总会令我忘记时间存在 。
With you, always make me forget the existence of time.
27、你在我心里的位置,就好像最舍不得的看完的故事 。
Your position in my heart, like the most reluctant to read the story.
28、想多亲亲我身边的风 , 说不定哪天它就吹到你脸上了 。
Want to kiss the wind around me more, maybe one day it will blow to your face.
29、我不是盖世英雄 , 不过晚上,我可以给你盖被子 。
I'm not a hero, but at night, I can cover you up.
30、如果能再见,我是说如果 。请不要说再见,好么?
If I can see you again, I mean if. Please don't say goodbye, OK?
31、爱情哪有什么心眼,丘比特蒙眼一箭,将你我相连 。
Love has no heart, Cupid blindfolded an arrow, connecting you and me.
32、为你,任性多少次我都愿意,怎么了 。
For you, willful how many times I would like to, why.
33、我不看月亮,也不说想你,这样月亮和你都蒙在鼓里 。
I don't look at the moon and I don't miss you, so the moon and you are both in the drum.
34、如果你过得不幸福,我所做的一切才是徒劳 。
If you're not happy, all I've done is in vain.
35、爱是呵护,爱是体谅 , 爱为我们遮挡雨雪风霜 。
Love is care, love is understanding, love shelter us from the rain, snow, wind and frost.
36、我想让你知道,我喜欢这世界,也喜欢你 。
I want you to know that I love the world and I love you.
37、那一世,西湖之畔,是你的身影 , 从此,再难相忘 。
That life, the West Lake, is your figure, from now on, again difficult to forget.
38、世界很暗然后你来了,带着星星和月亮 。
The world is dark, and then you come with the stars and the moon.
39、当你不再羡慕别人爱情的时候,你就找对了人 。
When you no longer envy other people's love, you find the right person.
Write a big heart with warmth to express my love!
41、我的眼睛一定有问题,我的视线无法自你身上离开 。
There must be something wrong with my eyes.
42、对我来说打发时间的方法只有一个,就是跟你在一起 。
For me, there is only one way to kill time, that is to be with you.
43、喜欢你是清风是朝露,是千万人中最爱的只有你一个 。
Like you is the breeze is the morning dew, is thousands of people love only you one.
44、而最长久的,偏偏不是你最爱的,也不是最爱你的 。
But the longest, it is not your favorite, also not the most love you.
45、他望了她一眼 , 她对他回眸一笑,生命突然苏醒 。
He looked at her, she looked back at him and smile, life suddenly woke up.
46、我以为人一起,心就会在一起,可怜我还在一直为你钟情 。
I think people together, the heart will be together, poor I still love you all the time.
47、看到有关你的一切,都在心里嘀咕一句,我的 。
Seeing everything about you, I murmured in my heart.
48、我再也不会奋不顾身的去爱一个人了 , 哪怕是你 。
I will never be desperate to love a person, even if it is you.
49、知道我为什么总惹你生气吗?因为我就是想引起你的注意 。
Do you know why I always make you angry? Because I just want to get your attention.
50、我才不要和你说晚安,我要和你睡在一起 。
I don't want to say good night to you. I want to sleep with you.
51、我想我一个人也好 , 一个人也能忘掉,大不了哭着对你微笑 。
I think I can forget it by myself or by myself. I smile at you with tears.
52、上线只因为你在 , 下线只因为你太久没有上线 。
Online only because you are, offline only because you have not been online for too long.
53、既然你进了我的世界,我就绝不会轻易放你走 。
Since you have entered my world, I will never let you go easily.
54、如果我爱上了你的笑容 , 要怎么收藏要怎么拥有 。
If I fall in love with your smile, how to collect, how to own.
55、聊再多的天,都不如见一次面来得实在 。
No matter how many days we chat, it's better to meet once.
56、因为爱,所以爱 , 因为爱,我无法停止对你的思念 。
Because of love, so love, because of love, I can't stop missing you.
57、所有晦暗都留给过往,从遇见你开始 , 凛冬散尽,星河长明 。
All the gloom is left to the past. From the beginning of meeting you, the winter is over, and the Star River is bright.
For the rest of our lives, we will not leave each other and abandon each other. How about getting old together?
59、让我如何相信,这世上还有一尘不染的爱情 。
How can I believe that there is a spotless love in this world.
60、清风不懂细雨 , 繁星不懂江河,但我懂你 。
【英文甜句】The breeze does not understand the drizzle, the stars do not understand the river, but I understand you.
